Friday, September 23, 2011

Kindle and the Library

If you haven't heard the news,  library users can now check out e-books through Overdrive and read them on their Kindles! I checked out my first set of e-books to see how it worked and it was really easy to do. The books are sent to your Kindle through Whispersync and there are no overdue dates.

If you have a Nook, Kobo, or other e-reader, you can already check out e-books, so what are you waiting for? Check the website of your local public library for more details!


  1. I haven't tried this yet but I want to. Question: Do you get charged the PDF transfer fee from Amazon or anything?

  2. I checked-out my first e-book yesterday too! Despite, my Kindle being a dinosaur and being tech-impaired it was pretty simple/straightforward.

    Juju-- Nope, no transfer fee, unless I didn't read the fine print. It's free just like the public library.

  3. So I have to check with my Library to see if this is available? Probably not in Bermuda :-(

  4. My library doesn't seem to have this available...hopefully they will eventually! It would be incredible to check out Kindle books :)


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