Friday, January 29, 2010

Tudor Book Challenge

I love Tudor history. It is one of my favorite historical time periods to read about so when I found out that Benedictionary was hosting a Tudor Book Challenge I knew I had to participate. Although I am too late to sign up to win prizes, I will still have fun reading and meeting my goal. For this challenge you can read fiction or nonfiction so I plan to read at least one Tudor biography. I have to get some nonfiction reading in somewhere! There are four challenge levels: King or Queen (at least 11 books), Noblemen or Noblewomen (at least 9 books), Courtier (at least 7 books), and Commoner (at least 5 books). For this challenge I am aiming to read to the Noblewoman level. If you would like to participate, visit Benedictionary to sign up. The deadline to be eligible for prizes is passed but you can still participate for fun!

My list:
1. Virgin: Prelude to the Throne by Robin Maxwell
2. The King's Rose by Alisa Libby
3. The Secret Bride by Diane Haeger
4. My Lady of Cleves by Margaret Campbell Barnes

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