Thursday, December 27, 2012

Review: The Fire Chronicle

The Fire Chronicle
By John Stephens
Published: October 9, 2012

My review:

In this sequel to The Emerald Atlas, siblings Kate, Michael, and Emma are once again in danger from the evil Dire Magnus. Kate ends up accidentally traveling back in time to 19th Century New York and Michael and Emma head to Antarctica on their quest to find the second of the Books of Beginning before the Dire Magnus can reach them. 

The Fire Chronicle more than lives up to The Emerald Atlas as an adventure/fantasy. We are introduced to some intriguing new characters and get to know Kate, Michael, and Emma better. I liked Michael much more in this book as he has a chance to become more of a leader and make up for his mistakes in the first book. We also find out more about the magical world, the Books, and the prophecy. 

There is plenty of action and some humor as well, mostly from Michael and Emma and their sibling rivalry. There is even a slight hint of possible romance for Kate this time around though it is definitely not a focus. What I really enjoyed was the closeness of the family and the bravery they showed in some frightening and sad circumstances. The book ends with something of a cliffhanger and I can't wait to find out what happens in book 3.

At times the story reminds me of something familiar like an Indiana Jones film which is no surprise considering the author's background as a screenwriter. I would love to see this series adapted for film though I'd worry that Hollywood would screw it up and dilute the positive messages about family, loyalty, and courage that pervade the story.  The series may be aimed at tweens and young teens but I think adults who like The Chronicles of Narnia, Inkheart, or other similar juvenile fantasy might like it too.


  1. I love this line from your synopsis: "Kate ends up accidentally traveling back in time to 19th Century New York." First the idea of accidental time travel makes me laugh but also if I got to choose my time travel destination it would be 19th century NY (1893-5 most specifically).

  2. I didn't there was a sequel! I did like the first one but didn't love it. Now inkheart I loved :)


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