Monday, May 12, 2014

Bout of Books Goals

Bout of Books

Since I have been reading about two books a week which is lower than my usual reading speed, I am hoping to spend more free time reading instead of on Pinterest or watching TV.

My goals for the the read-a-thon are:

1. Devote 12 hours this week to reading (two hours a day if possible)
2. Read four books

The books I might read for the read-a-thon:

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson (my current read)
Take Me On by Katie McGarry
Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins
Buzz Kill by Beth Fantaskey

1 comment:

  1. I like your stack! 12 hours a week is certainly doable! You go, girl! I am trying to hit the same goal too. :-)


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